Monday, May 14, 2007

Waste of time

I've been having this feeling for a long time now. The older I get the less I feel like spending my time with worthless people. I'm too busy to waste my time or my sleep talking nonsense with a group of morons.
There are some people that add something to you, some people that are just indifferent or inoffensive and some others that substract you… well, unfortunately I've spent my whole weekend with people of the last kind.
I've been telling R. that I don't want to go out with them. I don't want him to stop meeting them if he wants, but I'm just fed up…. But he forces me all the time. Makes plans in a way that it's impossible for me to avoid unless being unacceptably rude and I'm way too sick after this weekend.
I feel the deepest contempt for people who think they're stylish and cool and are actually a bunch of crap. I feel embarrased only for the fact of being with them, while I beleive that I dignify them just with my company.
Please, dont get me wrong, I honestly don't beleive I'm a snob. I have friends of all social layers and I admire and respect all of them for what they are. I like people who are authentic, unique, who are what they are and don't pretend to be anything but that. But I despise vulgarity, I despise people who are ugly inside, who are empty or shallow, and who are so ignorant as to think that having certain political ideas will make them more glamorous or closer to the type of people they'd like to be. It sucks.
The've make me sick talking about politics all the time. I don't like discussing politics with strangers (for me that jerks are strangers) but my political ideas are completely opposite to theirs and I've had to put ut with tons of crap all the freaking weekend. I've had to restrain my desire for speaking out loud… I've only done it for R anyway, but I've decided I won't do it again. Maybe I'm being a bit grumpy now… but I needed to dump all this after the hard weekend I've had….
I'm not ready to waste any more time with people that don't interest me. We should all do that. Life is too precious to waste it without learning and enjoying every minute in the company of our loved ones.


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