Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Demanding, Controlling and Possesive

I'm prepared to be demanded, controlled and possesed, since I'm also demanding and possesive, but I won't put up with being insulted or shouted at. You disrespect me and I won't allow it. I guess that's the way that fuckers that beat up women start... don't you think so?. I honestly don't want to find out if you'd be able to do that. You scared me at the beginning... then you made me change my mind with your sweet ways. Only a good man with lousy temper I thought...but you're proving me wrong day by day. Did you really need to start the new year fighting?.
You're killing me my love... I can't put up with this... if I let you go on... how would we end up?. I'm afraid I've let you gone too far by now. I don't want to break up like this though... so you decide....


Blogger jokerman said...

what a lethal interesting concoction, let the festivities begin.

3:16 PM  

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