Monday, January 05, 2009

The Egyptian Prince gets engaged

I had this conversation about two months ago. The last times we'd talked he was always asking me if I was dating someone, now it makes sense to me why is he insisting so much.... I've cut the nor relevant parts of the conversation.

Egyptian Prince: Good morning sweetie
Spanish Moza: morning....
Egyptian Prince: How is life
Spanish Moza: life's busy
Egyptian Prince: So u didnt pass by egypt after all
Spanish Moza: im supposed to go in january
Egyptian Prince: R u seeing someone these days?
Spanish Moza: sort of, and u?
Egyptian Prince: I have a fiancee now
Spanish Moza: really???, thats super good hey
Egyptian Prince: Yeah it is
Spanish Moza: so when's the wedding?, r u inviting us???
Egyptian Prince: Well she is still in her final year, it might take a year from now
Egyptian Prince: And sure u will be all invited
Spanish Moza:ok, so ill prepare a nice dress for that day
Egyptian Prince: U have to

So, what do you think of this?. It was just a matter of time for him to get engaged, but even so, I have to admit that it hurts. Besides, I don't see the point or the need in telling me. He's the one that always starts the conversations and tells me that he misses me. And why does he need to find out if I have a boyfriend now?. This is obviously over, so why all the hassle?
Thing is my next project is in Cairo, so I might see him again. I'm curious about his girlfriend. Would he have the guts to introduce her to me ? :-)


Blogger Ka said...

For various reasons, he thinks he needs time to see if you are serious about him. He is prepared to take great risks, i.e., that you might meet someone else. But he thinks that is still worth it, because for him, the greater risk is that he starts a relationship with you and THEN you leave him. For some reason, he thinks you may change your mind about him; maybe because there is age difference between you; or because he thinks you flirt a lot; or something else: he may simply want to see if you continue to miss him. I am sure you know the reason for his persistence, deep inside. No one else does.

1:40 PM  

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