Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 starts

I don't like this kind of reviews, but I think in this case it's necessary because 2007 has been such an intense year.
Among many things, I've learnt that we never now what we're able to bear until we're forced to face a certain situation.
Through the last part of the year I've been putting up with tons of crap:
- Herpes (a really nasty one)
- Infidelity
- Pregnancy
- Abortion
- Break up
- Ilness
- Loneliness
I only want to turn the page over, and close the chapter of 2007.
I start 2008 with an optimistic view. If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger… and that's how I feel now. I am stronger, and I am more mature. I'm curious and expectant to see what 2008 brings...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wishing u the best in 2008 :_)

I just wanted to let u know that someone actually is a constant reader to ur blog

10:21 PM  
Blogger spanish_moza said...

I'm impressed :-).

I also wish you the best in 2008. I'm sure it's gonna be a cool year ;-)

9:10 AM  

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