Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Egyptian Prince opens his heart

I'm so tired... physically and mentally. The last month has been literally exhausting... full of stress and full of emotions. So much to tell... but that's for another post.

Today just wanted to post a recent conversation with my beloved jerk. The one and only, the Egyptian Prince.I thought I was managing to control the situation pretty well lately... My story with L was keeping me busy and absorbing all my time and thoughts. But the Egyptian Prince always knew how to push my buttons...After talking to him I had nightmares all through the night. I even dreamt with snakes... which is totally disturbing, and according to what the experts say, means nothing good. So here it is...

Egyptian Prince : Just tell me who had broken ur heart lately?
Spanish Mozza : hahaha
Spanish Mozza :why do you ask that?
Spanish Mozza :do i seem like a broken hearted??
Egyptian Prince :because yes there is no love , only false relationships
Egyptian Prince :yes u seem so
Spanish Mozza :yeah. ... but that doesnt mean anybody broke my heart
Spanish Mozza :how come you connect that much lately?
Spanish Mozza :r you bored?
Egyptian Prince :yes very
Spanish Mozza :or broken hearted?
Egyptian Prince :I hadnt
Spanish Mozza :?
Egyptian Prince :A relationship since 3 years
Spanish Mozza :well... you must have been really broken hearted then to avoid getting into a new one... hahaha
Egyptian Prince :There is a girl nowadays, but I am not very attached to her
Spanish Mozza :i see...
Spanish Mozza :and why arent you attached to her?
Spanish Mozza :poor girl....
Egyptian Prince :I don t know what to do
Spanish Mozza :what do you mean?? about her?
Egyptian Prince :She is not poor at all
Egyptian Prince :I liked her only first two times I have seen her
Spanish Mozza :and what about the rest of times??? did she screw it up when she opened her mouth?? lol
Egyptian Prince :She didnt do anything wrong
Spanish Mozza :then?
Egyptian Prince :Case is that I don t like her that much
Spanish Mozza :i see
Egyptian Prince :I feel she is not my type at all
Egyptian Prince :I only get attached to her because of she is pretty and sexy
Spanish Mozza :i see... typical of guys
Egyptian Prince :But I didn t realize that she was going to be attched like that ! (mmmm that sounds familiar huh)
Spanish Mozza :also typical of girls.... hahaha
Egyptian Prince :I do not do what to do
Egyptian Prince :I feel very confused
Egyptian Prince :U know
Spanish Mozza :hahah yeah poor Egyptian Prince.... (a real prick this Egy Prince...)
Egyptian Prince :I have just seen her only 2 weeks
Spanish Mozza :i can imagine how confused you are.... terrible...terrible...
Spanish Mozza :lol
Spanish Mozza :cmon
Egyptian Prince :She is living abroad (also sounds familiar)
Spanish Mozza :i see... thats no good
Egyptian Prince :And I am really sick of sending sms reporting what I am doing all the time
Egyptian Prince :U know (yes... I know too well I'd say... why the hell are you telling me this??!!)
Spanish Mozza :i see
Egyptian Prince :I hate long distance relationships
Egyptian Prince :and I wish she calls and tell me "Egyptian Prince, that is enough"
Egyptian Prince :If it comes from her side that would facilitate everything (fucker... thats what you did to me...)
Spanish Mozza :im sure you can make her tell you that... doesnt sound that difficult
Egyptian Prince :hope so
Spanish Mozza :yup
Egyptian Prince :I am not really in my best times
Spanish Mozza :meaning what?
Egyptian Prince :Feeling so so so lonely
Egyptian Prince :Most of my friends are working abroad
Spanish Mozza :but if you got a chick and still dont wanna b with her you wont be that lonely i suppose
Egyptian Prince :And the others are married and have their lives
Spanish Mozza :aha
Egyptian Prince :That is the problm
Egyptian Prince :I tought like what u r talking
Spanish Mozza :what do you mean?
Egyptian Prince :But there are plenty of things to be considered when having a "chick" as u name it
Spanish Mozza :of course... .but... i dont know you say you're lonely... you got somebody who cares about you.... then go for it (I just can't beleive I'm telling this!!!)
Spanish Mozza :you'll never know if you dont try
Egyptian Prince :I feel very bored from long distance
Spanish Mozza :its only a matter of willing
Egyptian Prince :How can I make a try ??
Spanish Mozza :how long is it??...nowadays its really easy to talk... with all the internet things
Spanish Mozza :you can try to visit each other from time to time to find out if it really works
Spanish Mozza :i dont think its that big deal
Egyptian Prince :That s why I told u I saw her 2 weeks
Egyptian Prince :But now there has been 2 to 3 months I hadn t seen her
Spanish Mozza :you mean you saw her 2 weeks cos you visited her?
Egyptian Prince :no cuz she came to cairo
Egyptian Prince :Twice
Spanish Mozza :where does she live? very far?
Egyptian Prince :Switzerland
Egyptian Prince :She is half egyptian half swiss
Egyptian Prince :Living there
Spanish Mozza :well... not that far...could b worse...
Egyptian Prince :Whether she comes Or I go
Egyptian Prince :well it is not about communication, I feel not attached , u know what I mean
Egyptian Prince :I feel not glanced to her
Egyptian Prince :However she is very sweet to me
Egyptian Prince :And I can not be nothing but sweet to her too
Egyptian Prince :This is very very very problematic
Spanish Mozza :comon you like drama too much i think
Spanish Mozza :life is short
Spanish Mozza :just do what you feel like doing
Spanish Mozza :dont think about it too much
Egyptian Prince :Drama ! Come on I like fun , u have already known me
Spanish Mozza :then go to switzeland... eat cheese and have fun
Egyptian Prince :she is virgin (here we go)
Spanish Mozza :so??? she's a virgin so what?
Egyptian Prince :Like most of egyptians keeping it till mariage
Spanish Mozza :so???
Spanish Mozza :you have a problem with that?
Egyptian Prince :relation can not have any intimacy
Spanish Mozza :cmon Egyptian Prince
Egyptian Prince :come on Spanish Mozza
Spanish Mozza :you're old enough to know thats not all about sex
Egyptian Prince :it is not
Spanish Mozza :so... i just dont see the big deal here
Egyptian Prince :But all over my relations, I got attached to the ones i had sex with them
Egyptian Prince :Or was about to have sex with them
Egyptian Prince :this is crucial for me
Egyptian Prince :remember Spanish Mozza
Egyptian Prince :Last year
Spanish Mozza :what about last year?
Egyptian Prince :when we were together
Spanish Mozza :yeah and you were horny, so?
Egyptian Prince :and u were not ?
Spanish Mozza :lol... a bit
Egyptian Prince :Listen Spanish Mozza
Egyptian Prince :We like each other
Egyptian Prince :And u know it
Spanish Mozza :ok... so?
Egyptian Prince :U proudly hide it
Spanish Mozza :dont b silly, i've never hidden it
Spanish Mozza :i was the one who chased you Egyptian Prince
Egyptian Prince :Nowadays u r
Spanish Mozza :im not
Egyptian Prince :And I need u today
Spanish Mozza :come off it
Egyptian Prince :Yesterday
Egyptian Prince :so plz tell me when r u coming
Egyptian Prince :Can not wait all of that
Egyptian Prince :I need u
Egyptian Prince :I need to hug u
Egyptian Prince :And kiss u
Spanish Mozza :i dont know when im going
Egyptian Prince :I need we walk aside
Spanish Mozza :and im afraid i cannot give you what you need
Spanish Mozza :lol, you're kind of scary
Egyptian Prince :I need intimacy
Egyptian Prince :That s all
Spanish Mozza :thats why im telling you i cannot give you that
Spanish Mozza :not now
Egyptian Prince :I need to have u beside me
Egyptian Prince :why not ?
Spanish Mozza :cos im thinking of another guy now
Egyptian Prince :I am not smelling any truth (what???, not only he's a jerk, but also vain...don't you think I can fall in love again after my devastating experience with you?)
Spanish Mozza :and my story is much worse than yours... so you dont wanna hear
Spanish Mozza :whatever... if you beleive or not its not my problem...
Egyptian Prince :ok I am all ears (eyes)
Spanish Mozza :no... not in the mood seriously
Spanish Mozza :but he lives reaaaally far... and situation is pretty fucked up
Egyptian Prince :so u r in or out or inbetween
Spanish Mozza :what do you mean?
Egyptian Prince :I mean u r still in the relation or out or in between
Spanish Mozza :im telling him i just cant go on with this... but i think about him all the time
Spanish Mozza :and we're really hooked up on each other
Spanish Mozza :cos that story about sms sounds familiar
Egyptian Prince :exactly like the girl I told u about
Spanish Mozza :and hes freaking jealous
Spanish Mozza :and he mistrust me all the time and its driving me crazy
Egyptian Prince :which means I shouldnt talk to u anymore (definitely, that would be the best)
Spanish Mozza :he's more hooked up on me than i on him this time
Spanish Mozza :after what happened with you i dont want shit things with ppl living far
Egyptian Prince :u know something
Spanish Mozza :?
Egyptian Prince :nothing happened with me, I am still here, remember that, and last year was out of my hands, we are from different cultures, u didn t realize or even compromise, u have just gone angry (fucker... just angry? c'mon.. he told me he didnt want to meet me more often during Ramadan cos he felt too horny whenever he saw me... and told me I could never understand it since I was not a guy and I wasn't muslim either....)
Spanish Mozza :im not talking about last year Egyptian Prince
Egyptian Prince :what else then?
Spanish Mozza :i lost my head with you... and you didnt have the guts to stop me on time
Spanish Mozza :thats all
Spanish Mozza :but i dont resent you or something
Spanish Mozza :just dont want to make same mistakes with other ppl
Spanish Mozza :the guy is also from another race, culture and religion....
Spanish Mozza :and its a mess... beleive
Egyptian Prince :lost head ,mmm...
Egyptian Prince :so when r u coming to cairo
Egyptian Prince :soon
Spanish Mozza :i suppose soon yeah
Spanish Mozza :i finish with my curren project like in 2 weeks and then i think i start with egypt
Egyptian Prince :next month for example
Spanish Mozza :not sure though, dont know yet
Egyptian Prince :just keep me updated whenever u come to egypt
Spanish Mozza :ill tell you, dont worry (I shouldnt..... I know)
Egyptian Prince :I wish to hug u right now
Spanish Mozza :hahah (funny sense of humour this guy has)
Egyptian Prince :U know that
Spanish Mozza :what?? ?i know nothing
Egyptian Prince :I just remembered ur way talking
Spanish Mozza :hahah
Spanish Mozza :i talk fast ...
Spanish Mozza :nobody understands me lately that im so stressed... lol.. not even my fami
Egyptian Prince :remember my hands graping all of u last time we met? (true... when he holded me I couldn't control his hands...he's too big)
Spanish Mozza :shut up i dont want to think of that
Egyptian Prince :I am only thinking of that now
Spanish Mozza :well thanks for sharing
Spanish Mozza :but i prefer you dont
Egyptian Prince :I just wanted to show u how much I miss u
Spanish Mozza :i dont beleive you Egyptian Prince. but it doesnt matter in any case, does it?
Egyptian Prince :I do really miss u Spanish Mozza
Spanish Mozza :its fine... what do you want me to do??? (shit... stop telling me that!!!)
Egyptian Prince :U have to believe me, just tell me what makes me chat with u all that time?

Well, this a summary of our last conversation. Suggestions??, Ideas???? Any comments will be wellcomed....


Blogger Susan said...

Egyptian men...sweet on words, crap in action! ;-) I haven't been following the history of your relationship with him in the blog, but speaking from my own experience, I would suggest you follow your gut instinct about this guy.

What's odd is that it is Ramadan now and he is writing about his attraction to you, which is forbidden, technically speaking. Yet was it last Ramadan that he wanted to see you less because it was Ramadan? Many of my friends went through a similiar situation with their Egyptian boyfriends. Some of them ended up marrying, others did not. One friend really struggled to understand why, when her boyfriend had been living with her, all of the sudden, he had to move home to his parents because of the Holy Month.

10:33 PM  
Blogger spanish_moza said...

Hi Cairogal!!

Well, the truth is that my gut tells me to run, and it's been telling me that for a while now... but I'm still hooked up with this guy. Damn!!

And yes, when we met last Ramadan he decided to stop seeing me because apparently he could't put up with the unholy thoughts that I inspired him. He kept telling me to come back after the wholy month, wich btw it's a pretty hypocritical attitude, don't you think?
He only came to say goodbye to me before I went back to Spain, but he didn't seem to have improved his self control a lot... LOL

Nice to meet you Cairogal, and thanks for your comment ;-)

3:14 PM  
Blogger jokerman said...

I think you like him as he has this attitude a bit lik spanish men, he is chauvinistic & full of himself & you are still making a big mistake & will inevitably make a bigger mistake if you meet him in cairo which will undoubtedly cause you alot of indellible scars for the future.
btw, the guy sucks big time, he isnt intellectual, nor does he sound well educated & quite frankly, i never understood the spaniards, what with your hideously disgusting bullfights & the annoying siestas not to mention those terrible tapes/tapas ( excluding the P brava) i really feel spaniards are very much arab than european.
Mozza, maybe youre the type who likes to run after overinflated men who think they are Gods gift?

2:44 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Hello! I know Egyptian Mozza commented on this before, but some of these guys, particularly the ones who say they want to marry a Muslim woman, are just sowing their wild oats by dating foreign women-some even going as far as to secretly marry the foreigner, so as to remain somewhat legitimate in the eyes of God.

As for the Ramadan hypocrisy, well, you'll often fine men and women who are not even remotely devote practicing their faith during Ramadan. S/he may drink, smoke, have premarital sex (usually all the 'hes' rather than the 'shes'), never pray, and yet still fast during Ramadan, refrain from sex (the unmarried completely) and so on. It has to do with the belief that those days are more heavily weighted in religious terms (I'm oversimplifying).

Anyway, hermosa, you are welcome to pick my brain any time. I'm married to an Egyptian, and many of my friends have dated, are dating, or are married to Egyptians. I've got a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to this stuff!

Un besito,

3:13 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

jokerman is right: they arab and the spanish man have much in common. Sadly, they are the less attractive qualities, IMHO.

3:14 AM  
Blogger jokerman said...

I have another theory for you mozza, perhaps you are in a phase thats imbalanced by something missing, maybe you are suffering from depression & cannot focus properly.
You have to look at it that way, do you want a short relationship or a long term one? is that guy fit for long term ones? is there enough confidence in him to pursue him? even if he is rich & wealthy financially, it doesnt spell security at all with his type.
let me tell you that i doubt if his conquest stories are true to begin with, i would say they are 90% made up, he is definitely someone who cannot find his dream girl, for reason to do with religion , culture & tradition, & i am sure he is taking you for a ride, someone to boost his ego knowing you are interested in him, if he is interested in you, he would get on a plane to spain & shower you with affection all the time...not this type of chatting that can only emanate from a seriously chronic jerk. make a clean break lady, believe me, that guy is no good.

3:01 PM  
Blogger spanish_moza said...

Thanks for all your comments guys...
I know that you're right... I know that this whole story sucks... and the guy is no good.... and the fact of knowing it only makes me more annoyed with myself... because... it's not something I can control.

Cairogal: The thing is that the guy is truly religious, I think he's a good muslim, and that's why he had such a hard time with me. Thanks for the offer, be sure I'll ask you tons of questions ;-). Un beso guapa!

Fraoulassan: Well, your idea is the coolest... revenge... LOL... Any suggestions?... If only I could make the jerk fall... mmm He's one of the coldest persons I've met.

Jokerman: To start with, I agree with you. Spaniars have lots of arabs. After all they were living here for quite a while ;-)... But I can tell you I don't feel atracted to him because he reminds me of Spanish men.
He's wealthy, and supposed to intellectual and well educated. Actuallly, that's one of the things that made me fall for him. His conversation is really interesting... I was never bored with him, and at the beginning he was extremely polite.
Do you really think his stories aren't true?.. Why?, the guy is atractive, not only for me, I mean... I've seen the way girls look at him.
But...Jokerman, you're right in one thing... there's something missing in my life which I'm desperately chasing.

9:33 AM  
Blogger jokerman said...

well, from the way he writes in english i can see he isnt that well educated, i have seen wealthy kids go to one of the most expensive univ in egypt which is the american univ there, & their english sucks big time. some speak very good english...but from what i can tell from the chat transcript, he has no intellect at all, not to mention articulate even, & its always a bad sign when a man mentions to a woman, while their relationship is in a foggy zone, about another one he likes, as if hes confiding in her as its a cheap ploy to make her jealous then he throwsa lifeline by shifting attraction to the women in the foggy zone as then she will be ready for his advances...see what i mean? he starts off by saying how lonely he is & sad, to get attention then spills it out by talking of another female, this will get u angry & u get your defenses down, then he attacks, thinking you are desperate & thought you lost him but there he is throwing you a life line which you will not resist & will accept instantly...its all a game to him.
Spanish lady...if he is that wealthy, he wouldve visited you in spain repeatedly, unfortunately as someone mentioned here, he regards you a 2nd spare tyre, & dotn give a shit about what egyptian women look at, their taste in men suck & they r only after money & a secured life. You would get a shock if you saw egyptian heart throbs, singers or actors...atrocious!
Your feelings are better off with someone who appreciates you, not is playing with you, as it is clear he is playing with you a game, & not one thats with a serious end. It is not easy to break that magnet inside, i know, but you must break it, he isnt mr right & you have nothing to lose if you blocked him forever except alot of pain & hurt which you can do without i am sure.
cheer up, you cannot be worse than me. :)

5:22 PM  

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