Wednesday, March 29, 2006


The very first time that I saw him we didn’t talk. I remember that he passed by my side and of course I noticed him. He looked at me and smiled.
Then we met again at work. He was there, although he wasn’t working with me. I looked at him and he smiled again. He smiled not only with his face, but also with his eyes. Although I’ve realized later, I think it was then that I started to loose my mind.
He was not particularly attractive, he was not exactly my type. But he had that kind of look ..., of nice guy, of good boy. A kind of guy that everybody would trust.

He was working with another colleague and they asked me something related to work. I came closer to help them, and when I was by his side I suddenly felt his heat. The heat of his body. I found it quite disturbing, and this made me strangely nervous. This had never happened to me before. I mean, we weren’t that close physically, but I could feel his heat, and I don’t know why, I felt embarrassed. I felt embarrased of being so aware of his physical presence. Kind of difficult to explain.
He was very nice and kind to us (me and my colleagues). Asking us if we liked Egypt, and about he places we’ve been. When we fininished working he suggested us a couple of nice places to go at night. Then, he seemed to think it over, and he offered to take us out. To take us to the places he used to go. It sounded great. You know, when you’re a foreinger, moving around on your own it’s completely different from being with a local. It was a nice gesture from him and we really appreciated it. He was definitely a nice guy.

The next day, we went out with him. He was charming and witty. He talked all the time, with a great sense of humor (which by the way is one of the things that I most value in a guy). He was laughing all the time, with a noisy and spontaneous laughter that made me laugh too. I also noticed that he was very polite. I really liked that.
He seemed to know everybody in that place, and I realized that he was a popular guy, specially among girls, and I didn’t like it at all. So, I wasn’t the only one who found him so charming, hum??.

I was sitting next to him and after a while being by his side, I started to feel dizzy. What was happening to me?.

I found out that we had a lot of things in common, including our family situation. I really loved the way he felt about his family, and I thought it was very sweet of him to care that much about them. I also found out that he had been engaged but broked up with his girlfriend, so he was single ( I was really happy to hear that). God, what the heck was I thinking about!!??.

I knew I was leaving the following day but I was having such a great time that I didn’t want to think about it, I didn’t want the night to end. But, that was it. Another boring bussiness trip that was saved in the end by a nice guy. Just that. I was going to come back from Cairo with a sweet taste and forget about my foolishness.... right???. I was going to meet my boyfriend (I had been missing him so much during these days!!) and forget about this nonsense.

To tell you the truth, the thing is that I also knew that I was going to be back soon, and this fact wasn’t helping much really.
Cause I wanted to see him again.
No matter what.

To be continued...


Blogger spanish_moza said...


No Mr. Mozz, I'm not working in the travel bussines. Nothing to do with it, actually ;-))

10:18 AM  

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